To whiten your teeth, you don’t need harsh chemicals that can damage the enamel. Besides the classic baking soda, here are 5 tips from grandmother to whiten her teeth at home and without risk.
Enamel ensures correct chewing of food and protects teeth from external aggressions (hot, cold, acidity, pressure). Although the main cause of tooth erosion is aging, diet is also a factor. Slightly porous, the enamel fills with what you eat. It is for this reason that when you chew very colorful foods (red fruits, chocolate), your teeth quickly take on a dark shade. Simple brushing is enough to make it disappear.
But certain foods (sauces, sweets) and certain drinks (coffee, tea) stain teeth much more, giving them a dull yellowish or brown color over time. To restore shine, vitality, and whiteness to the teeth, there are natural remedies that are much less abrasive than the use of dental chemicals.

Baking soda and lemon are the magic formulae for white teeth. Thanks to its acidity, lemon restores whiteness to teeth and promotes their shine. Thanks to the vitamin C it contains, it also strengthens and cleanses your gums.
How to do it? You can brush your teeth with a little freshly squeezed lemon juice and rinse with clean water. For a whiteness cure, drop a small amount of baking soda (50 to 75 g) in the juice of half a lemon. Brush your teeth with this paste two to three times a month, no more, to avoid damaging the enamel. Continue reading on the next page
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.